Well being strategy I admired on placement

I absolutely loved the emphasis my placement school placed on well being and how students should feel and be treated in the school environment. Every morning after roll call the students’ would recite the ‘classroom charter’. This charter was implemented across all year levels in the school and speaks about how they should feel safe and supported in the school environment as well as their expectations on demonstrating kindness and respect to others.

Moreover, the school has implemented the ‘mood meter’, a chart that is visually presented in every classroom. This emotional intelligence strategy can be viewed here  .In short, this tool is used so that students can identify their feelings and energy levels and identify strategies on how they can make a shift of these emotions throughout the day and explore how these emotions impacts their thoughts and behaviors in the classroom and towards their attitude towards learning.

I was impressed by this strategy as students were able to place their names on the corresponding mood category on the Mood Meter and make judgments on what actions need to take place to adjust their mood, or maintain it.

Well being strategy I admired on placement

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